California Coalition for Women Prisoners
California Coalition for Women Prisoners

Monitor and challenge the abusive conditions inside California women’s prisons.

About this Collection

California Coalition for Women Prisoners (CCWP) is a grassroots abolitionist organization that challenges the institutional violence perpetrated on women, transgender individuals, and communities of color by the prison industrial complex (PIC). They believe that the fight for racial and gender justice is essential to dismantling the PIC. The movement is driven by the leadership of those most impacted – including people inside and outside of prison, families, and communities.

They envision a world where the prison system, designed for punishment, control, and the incarceration of primarily people of color and the poor, is abolished. Their goal is a society that prioritizes education over incarceration, directs investment towards employment rather than prisons, rejects sexual violence, and upholds human rights for all individuals.



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