Both Sides of the Wall
Both Sides of the Wall
Both Sides of the Wall, a grassroots organization, is dedicated to reforming the Criminal Justice system.

About this Collection
Their focus includes advocating for Prison Reform, restorative justice, participatory defense, reentry support, effective programming, and parole. Founded by
spouses and family members of incarcerated individuals in the Alabama Department of Corrections, they work to ensure fair sentencing and rehabilitation
through evidence-based programs. They stand in solidarity with all incarcerated individuals and their families, leveraging protests and rallies to raise
awareness about inhumane treatment and poor living conditions in prisons.
Collection Interviews
Alice Kim(Chicago, IL)Advocate for death penalty abolition and justice reform
Kim recounts her journey as an activist focused on ending the death penalty in Illinois, highlighting her early activism, involvement with the Campaign to End the Death Penalty, other collaborations, and the broader impact of the movement.
Bleu Inkk Watkins(New York, NY)Poet and activist dedicated to prison abolition work
Bleu Inkk recounts her journey from early life in Compton to receiving two life sentences, then transforming into a poet and activist, recounting her prison experience and how this fueled her advocacy for change.
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